quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017


Observe as análises que se seguem.

Gênero textual: Diário
Quem escreve: Qualquer pessoa que queira relembrar o que fez dia a dia. Para quem escreve: Para ela mesma ou para alguém que um dia será autorizada a lê-lo.
Por que escreve: Para guardar suas memórias na forma de texto ou para ajudá-la a pensar mais sobre si mesma.
Onde circula o texto: Em cadernos específicos para isso. Antigamente os diários eram lidos por amigos e parentes do escritor. Mas, geralmente, o diário costuma ser secreto.
O que não pode faltar: O relato das ações cotidianas do autor e algumas características formais: data, vocativo, despedida.

Gênero textual: Poesia
Quem escreve: Poeta que tem a intenção de emocionar, divertir, convencer e fazer pensar o mundo de um jeito novo, original e único.
Para quem escreve: Para pessoas que desejam sentir e emocionar-se com o que leem mais do que raciocinar logicamente sobre o assunto lido.
Por que escreve: Para encantar ou mesmo chocar os leitores, para aproximá-los do que sentem sobre o mundo, por meio da arte de escrever poesia.
Onde circula o texto: Em livros, revistas, jornais, Internet, murais, saraus, etc.
O que não pode faltar: A sonoridade, a cadência que os poemas apresentam e que levam o leitor a perceber o texto poético pelo ouvido; jogos de sonoridade com palavras de sons parecidos (rimas); uso de imagens, metáforas ou comparações para transmitir emoções e impressões sentidas pelo poeta.

Escolha quatro gêneros textuais diferentes  dos exemplos dados e preencha o formulário abaixo para cada um deles.

Gênero textual: ________________________________________________________________
Quem escreve: ________________________________________________________________
Por que escreve: ______________________________________________________________
Onde circula o texto: ___________________________________________________________
O que não pode faltar: _____________________________________________________

Due date: July 6th


Ms Alencar

quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2017


Dear student,

Please have a go at BBC Skillwise on Text Types. 

Surf the website, following these steps:

1 >>> Watch the video about the topic (one-minute video).

2 >>>  Read the facfiles and answer the exercises from the worksheets of each section (Entry 1&2; Entry 3; Level 1). Write the answers of these activities on a separate sheet of paper and include them on your portfolio file. Don't forget to include your name and group at the top of the page.

3 >>> Go back to the main page and play the games and quizes available. There's no need to write down these answers.

Due dates: 22/06

Ms Alencar

sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017


Task #5 is about the different types of texts that we read every day, either at school or in our daily lives.

Warmer - Before you start, think about every written piece of language you have met today. What were they? Why did you read each of them? Have you ever written one of those?

Genre - or text type - is a category of writing. Written texts present different purposes, features, length and tones, depending on the message they need to convey.

1) Below, there is a list of the five main groups of literary genre. 

1. Fiction

2. Non-fiction
3. Poetry
4. Drama
5. Folkore

A - Match each genre to its definition.

_________________________ writing concerned with the beauty of language 
_________________________ stories once passed down orally 
_________________________ imaginative or made up writing 
_________________________ a play or script 
_________________________ writing that is true
B - Give examples of subgenres (or sub-categories) to exemplify each of the groups given. Write as many as you can.

2) Some books prefer to organize text types following a different pattern. Look at the following list:

1. Narratives

2. Recounts
3. Procedures
4. Explanations
5. Expositions 
6. Information Reports

A - What would be the key features of a text from each type? List a few.

B - Give examples of subgenres (or sub-categories) to exemplify each of the groups given. Write as many as you can.

Don't forget to answer your questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Due date: JUNE 1ST


Ms Alencar

quinta-feira, 20 de abril de 2017


Last month we worked following instructions. We have seen during the classes the importance of reading carefully all the commands given before doing a proposed task. Let's do some follow up activities on this subject:
1) Here goes a list of the most common instruction verbs in English tests. Select fifteen of them and translate them into Portuguese. Use a dictionary to help you. 
2) Have a look at the activities proposed in our textbook (Reading Keys, by Miles Craven). List at least fifteen instruction verbs you have found in it. There is no need to translate these verbs.
As this is the last task of this 1st term, you will have to hand in your portfolio file containing all the assignments proposed so far.
Due date: April 27th
Ms Alencar

quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017


Hello, everybody!

To complete task #3, please follow the instructions given on the handout you've received in class. 

Due date:  Mar. 16th 


Ms Alencar

quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2017


Dear Student,

please answer the quiz available on this page: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml
After reading its results, answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree with the result? Why?
2. Before you answered this quiz, did you have any ideas about your most influential learning style?
3. What can you do to improve the other styles? 

Remember to write your answers on a separate sheey of paper and include them on your portfolio file. you should give complete answers (write paragraphs) and justify all your replies. 
Don't forget to include your name and group at the top of the page.
Due date: Mar. 9th


Ms Alencar

Update (March 10th 2017)
You can find some more information about learning styles on http://www.learning-styles-online.com. Check it out!!!!

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2017


Hi, everyone!

Are you ready to start task #1?

Here it goes:

1. Click on this link and take the placement test suggested. It will test your knowledge of general English.

2. On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions that follow. Remember to write your name and group at the top of the page. You can either write in English or Portuguese.

a) Have you ever studied English at a language institute? Which one? For how long?
b) When did you start studying English (it can be at regular schools)?
c) If you are currently studying English apart from our class, which level are you in?
d) What was your score on the online test you did (exercise 1)? Was the test easy or difficult? Are you happy with your result?
e) Do you like studying English?
f) What kind of activities do you enjoy doing in English classes?

Due date: Feb. 23rd


Ms Alencar

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017

Welcome aboard!


Hello, everyone!

This year we are going to interact via a blog! Here you will find texts, videos, links and other interesting materials to guide and help you in your assignments.

I hope you enjoy our experience together, both online and face-to-face.

Best regards,

Ms. Thais Alencar